Buying, Selling & Renting Tampa Properties
The Tampa real estate market is booming. Investors are buying Tampa properties due to a number of figures and forecasts, as related by Trulia, Zillow and a variety of other news sources.
With news like that, you’d think that it would be difficult to compete. The truth is though, that while values are climbing and competition IS getting stronger, big players like Blackstone have pulled back from Tampa and other local, real estate markets. In fact, they’ve all but ceased investing in residential real estate altogether and are now focusing their energies and capital oncommercial real estate like hotels, as far away as India and Greece.
This has resulted in more opportunities for smaller investors.
In a recent article published in Travelers Today, Tampa properties are the best investment in the Southeast. Trulia has stated that most real estate markets – including Tampa real estate – are 10 to 41% below values of the previous peaks.
Real estate is a great long term investment, but reports are showing a steady incline in values that make it a great short term investment as well.
Don’t Call it a BUBBLE

The US has suffered it’s share of FAILS over the last decade, but history shows us that it’ll be another decade before we make that same mistake again. Canada on the other hand is due for a real estate market crash rather soon. Chicago-based investment firm Morningstar is warning real estate investors to stay away from the Canadian housing market.
Ont he other hand, according to Zillow, Tampa investment real estate is estimated to experience a nearly 7% increase in value over the next year. That gradual increase indicates that buying Tampa real estate is a safe investment.
Where to Find Tampa Investment Real Estate
Whether you’re interested in move-in-ready rentals or rehab-and-flips, BTGH has real estate all over Tampa Bay. View our list of Tampa investment properties to find real estate that is ready for your needs.